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Subject:        Re: [csit-dev] VPP 18.04-RC2 release milestone
Date:   Thu, 12 Apr 2018 10:10:20 -0400
From:   Dave Wallace <dwallac...@gmail.com>
To:     csit-...@lists.fd.io


As discussed at yesterday's CSIT weekly meeting, the CSIT team is working to produce an initial set of performance results graphs for 18.04 that can be reviewed at next Tuesday's VPP meeting.


On 04/11/2018 05:36 PM, Chris Luke wrote:


I have created the /v18.04-rc2/ tag on the /HEAD/ of VPP branch /stable/1804/ and verified that the build artifacts arrived on nexus.fd.io[1][2]. This completes the RC2 release milestone for VPP 18.04.

As a reminder, per the release plan <https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_18.04#Release_Milestones>, the VPP 18.04 release is in two weeks on Wednesday April 25^th , 2018. I would greatly appreciate if all those developers who contributed code towards 18.04 would check the release deliverables list <https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_18.04#Release_Deliverables> and add/update accordingly.

I note that CSIT has created the release branch /rls1804/ and anticipate that they will start testing soon <https://wiki.fd.io/view/CSIT/csit1804_plan#Release_Milestones>. CSIT expects to publish their performance report for 18.04 on May 2^nd , 2018.

VPP branch /stable/1804/ is still open for patches, though it is important to note that we are now focused only on patches which address critical issues (as determined by the VPP committers), ideally limited to addressing bugs found by CSIT testing.

Per the standard process, all bug fixes to stable branches should follow these best practices:

  * All bug fixes must be double-committed to the stable branch as
    well as to the master branch:
      o Commit first to the stable branch, then "git cherry-pick" into
      o Manual merges may be required, depending on the degree of
        divergence between throttle and master.
  * All bug fixes need to have a Jira ticket:
      o Please put Jira IDs into the commit messages.
      o Please use the same Jira ID for both the stable branch and master.



[1] Package cloud does not yet have packages for 18.04; this is an issue that LF folk are still looking into.

[2] Opensuse is failing in the merge job; this is being worked on and should be resolved next week.

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