For DMM project: - Commit initial DMM framework - Commit documentations for APIs, developer guides, etc. - Plug into CSIT - Integrate VPP host stack/TLDK - DMM data-plane EAL on VPP L3 - Performance optimization
Thanks George From: [] On Behalf Of Edward Warnicke Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 9:31 PM To: Cc:; Trishan de Lanerolle <>; Dave Barach (dbarach) <>; Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) <>;; Ananyev, Konstantin <>; George Zhao <>;; Lu, Patrick <> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] [csit-dev] Community Goals and Objectives for reporting to the LFN board Ray, Thanks for calling attention to this. I've taken the feedback I've received thus far and added it to: It's a rough cut, let's work it together as a community overnight and at the TSC meeting tomorrow. Feel free to edit to improve. Ed On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 8:51 AM Ray Kinsella <<>> wrote: Hi folks, So the LFN TAC is looking to close on the "Community goals and priorities" rollup by 9th March. This exercise is part of the process of obtaining a fair share of resources for in 2018. So if you haven't already, please canvass your committers and contributors for their 2018 project plans. What new features do they anticipate developing? Are there plans for validation, new platform or hardware support etc ? You can either reply to this email directly, or send a note to myself or Ed W. Much appreciated, thanks, Ray K From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ed Warnicke Sent: Thursday 1 February 2018 16:43 To:<>;<>; vpp-dev <<>>;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>;<> Subject: [csit-dev]<> Community Goals and Objectives for reporting to the LFN board has recently transitioned from being its own independent foundation, to being one of several projects (ONAP, OpNFV, ODL, etc) under the Linux Foundation Networking (LFN) umbrella. As part of this transition, the LFN board has asked to be educated about what Goals and Objectives the community intends to undertake in the next year. Since an Open Source community intrinsically is a harmonious collection of folks working on different things, the only way to ascertain what its is really planning to do is to *ask* what folks are planning to do. What are the plans of various folks participating in the community for 2018? What are the themes of the problems you are planning to address, the kinds of features you are looking to implement etc? Ed