
Can you elaborate on your use case?  There's really not enough information to understand what you're trying to accomplish to know how to help.

Assuming that you are using LD_PRELOAD to "link the vcom library to the application", the vcom api layer redirects calls based on the fd to either vppcom or libc.

Also what version of the code are you running?

You should be aware that VCL/LD_PRELOAD is still largely experimental and under development.  There are many features of the posix socket interface which are missing or have stub implementations.  Development of VCL to date has been entirely use-case driven.


On 02/06/2018 04:39 AM, Shashi Kant Singh wrote:


I have a linux application which uses native kernel epoll_wait calls. I needed to add a new thread in that application which is a VPP based thread i.e. it uses DPDK to send and receive on additional igb_uio ports. For this I had to link the vcom library to the application and now I see that epoll used by all linux application is from vcom. How do I separate out linux thread from VPP thread to use corresponding epoll libraries



#0  0x00007f2c2c592482 in clib_spinlock_lock (p=0x7f2c1a82c030) at /bng5/vbbu10/vpp2/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/lock.h:52

#1  vppcom_epoll_wait (vep_idx=vep_idx@entry=3, events=events@entry=0x7f2bd40013c0, maxevents=maxevents@entry=10,

    wait_for_time=wait_for_time@entry=0) at /bng5/vbbu10/vpp2/vpp/build-data/../src/vcl/vppcom.c:3848

#2  0x00007f2c2c580dec in vcom_socket_epoll_pwait (__epfd=22, __events=0x7f2bd40013c0, __maxevents=10, __timeout=-1, __ss=0x0)

    at /bng5/vbbu10/vpp2/vpp/build-data/../src/vcl/vcom_socket.c:3045

#3  0x00007f2c2c57c298 in epoll_wait (__epfd=22, __events=0x7f2bd40013c0, __maxevents=10, __timeout=-1)

    at /bng5/vbbu10/vpp2/vpp/build-data/../src/vcl/vcom.c:2869

#4  0x00007f2c2f628aa0 in RMAMessageThreadPosix::receive_message_impl (arg=0x1cf0a10) at src/rma_message_thread_posix.cpp:789

#5  0x00007f2c2dacbe25 in start_thread () from /lib64/

#6  0x00007f2c2b3c434d in clone () from /lib64/

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