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Subject: [dpdk-announce] DPDK Summit – Bangalore March 9th
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 22:33:33 +0000
From: Tibrewala, Sujata <sujata.tibrew...@intel.com>
The first DPDK Summit of 2018 will take place in the Leela Palace hotel
[1] in Bangalore on Friday March 9th. The event will cover the latest
developments to the DPDK framework, and their application to a variety
of industry segments including telecom, cloud, enterprise and security.
The event enables the DPDK open source community to share information on
DPDK usage and implementation; to hear from DPDK developers,
contributors, and users; and to build the DPDK community.
Registration [2] for the event is now open. The call for proposals [3]
is also now open. Please submit proposals for presentations on any
DPDK-related topics by Monday February 5th.
[2] https://www.regonline.com/registration/Checkin.aspx?EventID=2151252
Sujata Tibrewala @sujatatibre
Community Development Manager
Intel Developer Zone
NPG Marketing Training PM (DOT)
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