I've been taking the NSH_SFC PTL role 1 year ago. It has been a pleasure, but 
also a burden as there are some personal reasons make me cannot focus on 
NSH_SFC anymore, so I am stepping down as NSH_SFC PTL with immediate effect. 
Additionally, I would like to nominate Hongjun Ni, who is the most active 
NSH_SFC maintainer in 2017, as new NSH_SFC PTL for his excellent contribution 
as below:

l  Upstreamed 42 patches totally cover Ingress Classifier, SFF, Egress 
Classifier, NSH-Proxy, NSH-aware NAT, MD-Type2, NSH over Ethernet and NSH TTL.

l  Published four NSH_SFC Releases: 17.01, 17.04, 17.07 and 17.10.

NSH_SFC maintainers,

Pls vote for Hongjun Ni by directly replying this email.

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