Agreed, doing functional testing against one distro should suffice (famous last 
words :-)). 

What do people think about running the verify jobs for the debians and then 
periodically (once per day/week?) run for the other distros, to make sure 
they’re not broken? 


> On Dec 14, 2017, at 8:04 AM, Damjan Marion (damarion) <> 
> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm hearing from multiple people that OpenSUSE verify job is failing (again).
> So generally speaking i would like to question having verify jobs for 
> multiple distros.
> Is there really a value in compiling same code on different distros. Yes I 
> know gcc version can be different,
> but that can be addressed in simpler way, if it needs to be addressed at all.
> More distros means more moving parts and bigger chance that something will 
> fail.
> Also it cost resources....
> Thoughts?
> Damjan
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