Minor quibble with the assertion that we don’t “moderate” our discussions. I 
spend a bit of time every day dealing with messages sent e.g. to vpp-dev from 
(a) folks who aren’t members of the list, and (b) spam / phish emails.
You’d be surprised how much category (b) email needs to be disposed of...

Thanks… Dave

From: discuss-boun...@lists.fd.io [mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.fd.io] On 
Behalf Of Joel Halpern
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 10:51 AM
To: Ed Warnicke <hagb...@gmail.com>; t...@lists.fd.io; disc...@lists.fd.io; 
vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>; csit-...@lists.fd.io; cicn-...@lists.fd.io; 
honeycomb-dev <honeycomb-...@lists.fd.io>; deb_dpdk-...@lists.fd.io; 
rpm_d...@lists.fd.io; nsh_sfc-...@lists.fd.io; odp4vpp-...@lists.fd.io; 
pma_tools-...@lists.fd.io; puppet-f...@lists.fd.io; tldk-...@lists.fd.io; 
Subject: Re: [discuss] New Option for fd.io mailing lists: groups.io

I like having good searchable archives.

I have to say that I am completely turned off by the end of the FAQ.  We don’t 
“moderate” any of our discussions.  And unless something is very strange, the 
use of groups.io vs mailman better not have any visible effect on participation 
in the email discussions.

Listing features like wikis seems also counter-productive.  I do not want us to 
have two separate wiki spaces.

Polls would be nice once in a while (although doodle seems to work just fine 
for most folks.)

If we want calendaring, I would want it integrated in the wiki, not part of the 
mailing list.


From: discuss-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.fd.io] On Behalf Of Ed Warnicke
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 10:45 AM
To: t...@lists.fd.io<mailto:t...@lists.fd.io>; 
disc...@lists.fd.io<mailto:disc...@lists.fd.io>; vpp-dev 
cicn-...@lists.fd.io<mailto:cicn-...@lists.fd.io>; honeycomb-dev 
Subject: [discuss] New Option for fd.io mailing lists: groups.io

A new option has become available for handling mailing lists: 

As a community, we need to look at this option, provide feedback, and come to a 
decision as to whether or not to migrate.  A critical part of that is having 
folks take a look, ask questions, and express opinions :)

We have a sandbox example at  https://groups.io/g/lfn  you can look at

And an example with active list and imported archive: 

Major benefits include searchability, better web interface, etc.

The LF was kind enough to write a FAQ for us as we consider as a community 
whether to migrate or not:

Q: What are the key differences between Mailman and Groups.io?
●Groups.io has a modern interface, robust user security model, and interactive, 
searchable archives
●Groups.io provides advanced features including muting threads and integrations 
with modern tools like GitHub, Slack, and Trello
●             Groups.io also has optional extras like a shared calendar, 
polling, chat, a wiki, and more
●             Groups.io uses a concept of subgroups, where members first join 
the project “group” (a master list), then they choose the specific “subgroup” 
lists they want to subscribe to

Q: How is the experience different for me as a list moderator or participant?
In many ways, it is very much the same. You will still find the main group at 
your existing URL and sub-groups equate to the more focused mailing lists based 
on the community’s needs. Here is an example of main group and sub-group URL 
patterns, and their respective emails:


What is different is Groups.io’s simple but highly functional UI that will make 
the experience of moderating or participating in the community discussions more 

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