Hi Holoo,

Can I recommend that you play at bit with VPP's packet tracing facility.

The following wiki page explains setting up the tracer a bit.


You will see from tracing a that FD.io VPP exists independently of the Linux Networking Stack.
With it's own L2 + L3 implementations.

Ray K

On 04/12/2017 07:28, Holoo Gulakh wrote:
According to my researches around VPP and its workflow, I have prepared a flowchart showing VPP's workflow.

This flowchart says that all ingress packet to interfaces handled by VPP are sent to VPP without Linux network stack intervention. afterward based on the packet type/destination one of the flows goes on.

Is this flowchart describing VPP's workflow correctly?? (it might be helpful if you add more details to it if it's correct OR otherwise correct it if it's wrong)

thanks in advace

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