Hi guys,

My vpp version :18.01.

When the flows out of vpp1, it has two layers of tags. 
The flow was dropped in vpp2. And the error information:MPLS not enabled. Is 
there anything wrong in my configuration on vpp2?
Has the configuration in 18.01 changed?

######## ######## ######## ########
  create host-interface name eth2 mac 00:0c:29:6d:b0:82
  create host-interface name eth1 mac 00:0c:29:6d:b0:78
  set interface ip table host-eth2 1
  set interface ip address host-eth2
  set interface ip address host-eth1
  set interface state host-eth2 up
  set interface state host-eth1 up
  set interface mpls host-eth1 enable
  create mpls tunnel out-label 33 out-label 34 via host-eth1
  set interface state mpls-tunnel0 up
  mpls table add 1
  ip route add via ip4-address interface mpls-tunnel0 table 1
  mpls local-label add eos 1023 table 1 ip4-lookup-in-table 1
  mpls local-label add non-eos 1023 table 1 mpls-lookup-in-table 1

######## ######## ######## ########
  create host-interface name eth2 mac 2c:53:4a:03:93:31
  create host-interface name eth1 mac 2c:53:4a:03:94:59
  set interface ip table host-eth2 1
  set interface ip address host-eth1
  set interface ip address host-eth2
  set interface state host-eth2 up
  set interface state host-eth1 up
  set interface mpls host-eth1 enable
  create mpls tunnel out-label 1023 out-label 1024 via host-eth1
  set interface state mpls-tunnel0 up
  mpls table add 1
  ip route add via ip4-address interface mpls-tunnel0 table 1
  mpls local-label add eos 34 table 1 ip4-lookup-in-table 1
  mpls local-label add non-eos 33 table 1 mpls-lookup-in-table 1

the vpp2 error information is shown below:

VPP# show errors 
   Count                    Node                  Reason
      4889               mpls-input               MPLS input packets 
      4889               mpls-input               MPLS not enabled
        31                ip4-input               valid ip4 packets
       103             ethernet-input             no error
         2                arp-input               ARP replies sent
         1                arp-input               ARP request IP4 source 
address learned
VPP# show trace 
------------------- Start of thread 0 vpp_main -------------------
Packet 1

00:11:22:232258: af-packet-input
  af_packet: hw_if_index 2 next-index 4
      status 0x1 len 132 snaplen 132 mac 66 net 80
      sec 0x5a141690 nsec 0x3162f619 vlan 0
00:11:22:232280: ethernet-input
  MPLS: 00:0c:29:6d:b0:78 -> 2c:53:4a:03:94:59
00:11:22:232332: mpls-input
  MPLS: next BUG![2]  label 33 ttl 255
00:11:22:232342: error-drop
  mpls-input: MPLS not enabled


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