Hi Reza,

what's unclear about the Python API bindings usage?

Could you be looking for a list of API calls & their parameters? If so,
then that is a different question and there might not be an answer
available in form of a reference guide...
The usual way is to take a look at the various .api files which describe APIs.
C/Python/JAVA bindings are auto-generated based on those .api files
(or .json, which themselves are generated from .api).


Quoting mirzaei.reza (2017-11-03 11:51:33)
>    Hi
>    I'm looking for a complete VPP_Python_API tutorial, but i just
>    find [1]this url.
>    Is there any good tutorial on how to use this APIs?
>    Best regards
>    Reza
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Python_API
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