
I've fixed the tutorial in this area:


Here's the net net.  Damjan improved the vppctl, rewriting it in C, and
having it talk over a file socket to vpp.  This is goodness.  It does mean
you do the multi-vpp instance thing a bit differently though:

sudo vpp unix {cli-listen /run/vpp/cli-vpp1.sock} api-segment { prefix vpp1

sudo vppctl -s /run/vpp/cli-vpp1.sock

Thanks for asking, it prompted me to fix the tutorial :)


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Justin Iurman <justin.iur...@ulg.ac.be>

> Hi all,
> Is it still possible to run multiple instances of VPP, just like it was
> done with VPP-lite (see here: https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/
> Progressive_VPP_Tutorial) before merging it ?
> Actually, my problem is the following. I need to run several instances of
> VPP (eg. vpp1, vpp2, vpp3, etc) to simulate a topology. But, for some
> reason, I'm not able to make it work as expected. I've already disabled
> DPDK plugin to run in "lite" mode. Could it be a configuration issue ? VPP
> startup.conf:
> unix {
>   nodaemon
>   log /tmp/vpp.log
>   full-coredump
>   cli-listen /run/vpp/cli.sock
>   gid vpp
> }
> api-trace {
>   on
> }
> api-segment {
>   gid vpp
> }
> plugins {
>   plugin dpdk_plugin.so { disable }
> }
> I tried to compare both VPP and VPP-lite. A first observation showed that
> VPP is installed as a service, which is not the case for VPP-lite. I've
> also compared both config files. Here is VPP-lite startup.conf:
> unix {
>   nodaemon
>   log /tmp/vpp.log
>   full-coredump
> }
> api-trace {
>   on
> }
> api-segment {
>   gid vpp
> }
> Currently, here is how I try to mimic VPP-lite behavior with VPP:
> sudo vpp api-segment { prefix vpp1 } unix { cli-listen
> /run/vpp/cli.vpp1.sock }
> sudo vppctl -s /run/vpp/cli.vpp1.sock
> It works for one instance, but not for more, even if it does not throw any
> error. Do you have any idea on how to proceed or what is wrong here ?
> Thanks !
> Justin
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