Hi steven,

I did IPv4 ping. Some ICMPv6 router solicit messages were captured but those 
were not part of IPv4 ping which I did.

I will send show vhost output soon.


On 28-Sep-2017, at 19:30, Steven Luong (sluong) 
<slu...@cisco.com<mailto:slu...@cisco.com>> wrote:


Before you ping, type “show vhost” to make sure the interfaces have memory 
region. You typed “show vhost” prior to the interface is ready. So, it does not 
have useful information. Would you collect “show vhost” when the interface is 

Also, you send ipv6 pings. Would you please also try ipv4 pings. I got it 
running and pings went through on ThunderX last week with ipv4. I’ll try ipv6 
later today to see if the problem is specific to ipv6.


From: "Saxena, Nitin" <nitin.sax...@cavium.com<mailto:nitin.sax...@cavium.com>>
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 1:23 AM
To: "vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>" 
<vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>, "Steven Luong (sluong)" 
Cc: "Narayana, Prasad Athreya" 
Subject: Re: [vhost-user][armv8][v17.07.01] VM ping not working properly

Hi All,

I am running vhost-user on aarch64 SoC using vpp v17.07.01. I am running 4.12.9 
kernel (ubuntu-16.04) both on host and VM. I am able to launch VM's 
successfully but my ping between two VM's does not work. In show error output I 
can see L2 forwarding errors in VPP. Attached tarball containing logs with 
"debug vhost-user on" and "show trace"

I also tried adding following in my startup script.

vhost-user {
  coalesce-frames 0

Any pointer will be helpful.

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