> On Jun 16, 2017, at 3:29 PM, Vincent Jardin <vincent.jar...@6wind.com> wrote:
> FYI, 6WIND  provides a full PPP stack (L2TP, PPPoE) server and clients. It 
> tooks years to develop it and unfortunately it has dependencies that prevent 
> using it with VPP. But it works fine with DPDK. It is available both under 
> source code or binary only but under specific licensing.
> But usually, most people are fine with Linux PPP, since most connections are 
> slow (under 20Mbps), so why not using Linux?

To build a PPPoE server, of course. 

PPPoE is a common requirement for a BRAS/BBRAS/BNG.  These are still used by 
some FTTH providers.

Given this, there may even be a client requirement for a VPP-based endpoint 
(v)CPE stack. 

One of the most requested features for pfSense is to fix the fact that PPPoE 
sessions run on a single core.


Note that they're specifically asking about PPPoE at 1gbps. 

Here's the associated bug:

(Note that the bug is assigned to me.)

I'm not planning on fixing it for the FreeBSD stack, but we may attempt to 
address this with our stack based on VPP. 

There is a PPP implementation in vnet/ppp, how difficult could it be? :-)



(For those who don't know, we're rewriting a lot of "pfSense" leveraging VPP.)

> Le 16 juin 2017 7:53:44 PM Ole Troan <otr...@employees.org> a écrit :
>>> Is there any plan to surpport pppoe?
>> Not as far as I know.
>> Feel free to start a PPP project. You would need to implement some NCPs too.
>> Cheers,
>> Ole
>> ----------
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