
Can someone please help me on below,

when i insert a route using "ip route add <a/x> via <b>"

how does the fib insert this in its table[FWD, NON_FWD], -> does it call
different functions for forwarding and nonforwarding ip6_addresses?

I have inserted a cuckoo_add code on "ip6_fib_table_fwding_dpo_update"
but only the <b> ip is getting inserted into my cuckoo filter always.

Which function does a/x call to insert into the fib?,

i also tried a cuckoo_add inside "ip6_fib_table_entry_insert"
but this didnt work as well.

I came across this when i made a CLI to display my cuckoo filter, and im
pretty sure there is
nothing wrong with the cli.


Pragash Vijayaragavan
Grad Student at Rochester Institute of Technology
email : pxv3...@rit.edu
ph : 585 764 4662
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