Yes, it is set correctly. To validate it, I bypassed the dpdk optimization
and fed every packet to ethernet-input (by making "dpdk_rx_next_from_etype"
always return VNET_DEVICE_INPUT_NEXT_ETHERNET_INPUT). Then things started
working fine - packets getting classified to correct sw_if_index, ip header
pointing to beginning of ip header etc.

I am referring to the way l3_offset is set by looking up
device_input_next_node_advance[next] - there is no check to skip the vlan
header - can you please point me to the code snippet in dpdk_device_input
which does that? "vnet_feature_start_device_input" does not seem to be
doing anything here..


On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:32 PM, Damjan Marion (damarion) <
> wrote:

> >
> > On 3 May 2017, at 13:28, Nagaprabhanjan Bellaru <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > It looks like dpdk_device_input() - is not checking if there is a vlan
> header in the packet or not and always sets the buffer->current_data to 14
> (smac+dmac+ethtype). Because of that ip4_input is not able to recognize a
> correct IP packet.
> >
> > For example, I have a subinterface created with vlan100 - which is
> trying to send IP packets. The receiving side is setting l3offset to 14 and
> feeding the packet to ip4-input-no-checksum and is getting dropped there.
> >
> > Am I missing something? "show interface" shows the main and the sub
> interface. "show trace" for dpdk_input shows the vlan tag as 100. But
> ip4_input_inline gets a buffer with current_data as 14 instead of 18
> (accounting for vlan header)
> We do respect VLAN ethertypes, is your ethertype set correctly?
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