I was testing SNAT with Trex that generates multi million sessions and
these sessions are allocated from VPP pool. I realized that when allocated
memory in "show memory" command result is near 4GB, system crashes. So I
compiled VPP with Dclib_vec64 option to have more than four Gigabytes of
main heap. But it caused to have high drop rates so that the throughput was
about 1000 times slower.

When I reviewed the code to find the problem I started from inserting about
1000 items in a hash table and reached mheap_get_search_free_bin function
in mheap.c file that could not fit the requested allocated object in free
objects as new items was adding. So the loop increasingly called.

/* Find an object that is large enough with correct alignment at given
alignment offset. */  while (1){...}

I founded that the requested object is smaller that free object but it
could not be fitted because of alignment offset.


Best Regards,
Juan Salmon.

On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Dave Barach (dbarach) <dbar...@cisco.com>

> You’ll need to characterize what you’re seeing better than “multiple time
> slower” before it would be worth speculating on what’s going on.
> We do not routinely test vpp when compiled w/ -DCLIB_VEC64.
> Can you describe the use-case which requires a main heap larger than 4gb?
> Thanks… Dave
> *From:* vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io [mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io] *On
> Behalf Of *Juan Salmon
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 7, 2017 7:31 AM
> *To:* vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> *Subject:* [vpp-dev] vpp with 64 bit vec
> Hi,
> I compiled VPP with Dclib_vec64 option to have more than four Gigabyte
> heap size.
> It works correctly but multiple time slower than 32 bit version.
> It seems that inserting data in hash tables caused this problem.
> Is there any idea?
> Best Regards,
> Juan Salmon.
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