Thanks Dave, this really helped me (I used the pcap tx trace before but your 
suggestion offers much more information).
Below is the info I got. It shows that the nsh-input gets wrong values and it 
matches what I see with wireshark. However the ovs-dpctl dump-flows in 
CLASSIFIER1 shows completely different information, as shown in previous mail. 
It looks like OVS is not encoding the message correctly.

Packet 45
00:27:47:102658: dpdk-input
  GigabitEthernet0/9/0 rx queue 0
  buffer 0x426f: current data 0, length 162, free-list 0, totlen-nifb 0, trace 
  PKT MBUF: port 0, nb_segs 1, pkt_len 162
    buf_len 2176, data_len 162, ol_flags 0x0, data_off 128, phys_addr 0x746cf2c0
    packet_type 0x0
  IP4: 08:00:27:4c:70:10 -> 08:00:27:4c:70:20
  UDP: ->
    tos 0x00, ttl 64, length 148, checksum 0x85b5
    fragment id 0xa734, flags DONT_FRAGMENT
  UDP: 33124 -> 4790
    length 128, checksum 0x0000
00:27:47:102748: ethernet-input
  IP4: 08:00:27:4c:70:10 -> 08:00:27:4c:70:20
00:27:47:102760: ip4-input
  UDP: ->
    tos 0x00, ttl 64, length 148, checksum 0x85b5
    fragment id 0xa734, flags DONT_FRAGMENT
  UDP: 33124 -> 4790
    length 128, checksum 0x0000
00:27:47:102763: ip4-lookup
  fib 0 adj-idx 4 : flow hash: 0x00000000
  UDP: ->
    tos 0x00, ttl 64, length 148, checksum 0x85b5
    fragment id 0xa734, flags DONT_FRAGMENT
  UDP: 33124 -> 4790
    length 128, checksum 0x0000
00:27:47:102767: ip4-local
    UDP: ->
      tos 0x00, ttl 64, length 148, checksum 0x85b5
      fragment id 0xa734, flags DONT_FRAGMENT
    UDP: 33124 -> 4790
      length 128, checksum 0x0000
00:27:47:102770: ip4-udp-lookup
  UDP: src-port 33124 dst-port 4790
00:27:47:102774: vxlan4-gpe-input
  VXLAN-GPE: no tunnel next 4 error 1

00:27:47:102778: nsh-input

  nsh ver 0 len 0 (0 bytes) md_type 0 next_protocol 0
  service path 15763460 service index 54
  c1 -1257065167 c2 100683657 c3 769 c4 -1463746792

00:27:47:102789: error-drop
  nsh-input: no mapping for nsh key

Thank you very much,
Best Regards,
Miguel Ángel Muñoz.

From: Dave Barach (dbarach) []
Sent: viernes, 27 de enero de 2017 18:21
To: Miguel Angel Muñoz Gonzalez <>;;
Subject: RE: Can't map NSH entry in VPP

Please see if vpp packet tracer will show you why the packets aren't behaving 
as required...

For example:

Vpp# trace add dpdk-input 50
<send traffic>
Vpp# show trace

HTH... Thanks... Dave

P.S. you might need to specify a node other than dpdk-input if e.g. you're 
using tap, af_packet, etc. other sorts of interfaces.

[] On Behalf Of Miguel Angel Muñoz Gonzalez
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:34 AM
Subject: [vpp-dev] Can't map NSH entry in VPP

Hi everyone,
I'm working on a setup with group based policy, sfc and vpp. I am starting with 
this setup:

                           | Host (ODL SFC)  |
                           |   |
                       /      |          |     \
                    /         |          |         \
                /             |          |             \
+---------------+  +--------------+   +--------------+  +---------------+
|  classifier1  |  |    sff1      |   |     sff2     |  |  classifier2  |
| |  | |   | |  | |
+---------------+  +--------------+   +--------------+  +---------------+
                              |          |
                              |          |
                   +---------------+  +--------------+
                   |  sf1(DPI-1)   |  |   sf2(FW-1)  |
                   |  |  | |
                   +---------------+  +--------------+

In the Classifiers I am running OVS and VPP in the SFFs. My intention is to 
have 4 endpoints in Classifier1 and 4 endpoints in Classifier 2 (similar to 
gbp-sfc demo).
I can send out a packet from CLASSIFIER1 towards SFF1. However when it gets to 
the SFF1 it cannot apply correctly the NSH rules to route it to the next step 
As you can see, there is a packet going out from CLASSIFIER1 (with OVS):

vagrant@classifier1:~$ sudo ovs-dpctl dump-flows
tcp(dst=80), packets:0, bytes:0, used:never, 

However VPP in SFF1 cannot forward the packet and actually increases the nsh 
error counter:

vagrant@sff1:~$ sudo vppctl show error
   Count                    Node                  Reason
       573                nsh-input               no mapping for nsh key
        12                ip6-input               ip6 source lookup miss
         3             ip6-icmp-input             neighbor solicitations for 
unknown targets
        18             ip6-icmp-input             neighbor discovery not 
       104                arp-input               ARP replies sent
         6                arp-input               ARP replies received

And I cannot find the fault since the entries in nsh for VPP in SFF1 seem to be 

vagrant@sff1:~$ sudo vppctl show nsh map
nsh entry nsp: 44 nsi: 255 maps to nsp: 44 nsi: 255 encapped by VXLAN GPE intf: 
nsh entry nsp: 44 nsi: 254 maps to nsp: 44 nsi: 254 encapped by VXLAN GPE intf: 
nsh entry nsp: 8388652 nsi: 254 maps to nsp: 8388652 nsi: 254 encapped by VXLAN 
GPE intf: 2
nsh entry nsp: 8388652 nsi: 253 maps to nsp: 8388652 nsi: 253 encapped by VXLAN 
GPE intf: 4

vagrant@sff1:~$ sudo vppctl show nsh entry
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 44 service index 255
  c1 0 c2 0 c3 0 c4 0
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 44 service index 254
  c1 0 c2 0 c3 0 c4 0
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 8388652 service index 254
  c1 0 c2 0 c3 0 c4 0
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 8388652 service index 253
  c1 1 c2 9 c3 3 c4 4
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 45 service index 255
  c1 -1062716356 c2 3 c3 0 c4 0
nsh ver 0 len 6 (24 bytes) md_type 1 next_protocol 3
  service path 44 service index 250
  c1 -1062716356 c2 3 c3 0 c4 0

The only reason I can think of is that c1,c2,c3 and c4 are not 0,0,0,0 (as 
shown in the nsh entries). But these fields are not part of the nsh key that is 
used to find the proper nsh rule, are they?

I would appreciate if someone could provide a hint about the problem.

Thank you very much,
Best Regards,
Miguel Ángel Muñoz.
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