> On 24 Jan 2017, at 18:33, Ed Warnicke <hagb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can tell you why we did it to begin with (which I'm hoping is no longer a 
> valid reason).  We originally did it because ubuntu 14.04 did not have any 
> appropriate usable packages for uio drivers.  I for one would be overjoyed to 
> make the shift you are proposing, but we do need to decide what we want to do 
> about ubuntu 14.04 in the process.

I see it there:

$ dpkg -L linux-image-extra-3.13.0-77-generic | grep uio_pci_g

> One possible question to ask is: do we want to support ubuntu 1404 in vpp 
> 17.04?

I strongly support idea of retiring trusty support starting with vpp 17.04 

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