Let me emphasize again, translate should be applied on one interface only and 
not both. The reason you are seeing 3 tags on an interface in your earlier 
experiment is because 1-2 and 2-1 translates were applied on both end of 
xconnect interfaces respectively.   -John

From: Nagaprabhanjan Bellaru [mailto:nagp.li...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 2:21 PM
To: John Lo (loj) <l...@cisco.com>
Cc: Jan Gelety -X (jgelety - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
<jgel...@cisco.com>; vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] L2 Xconnect does not re-write vlan tags?

Thanks all for the inputs. The pop approach is working fine for 1-2, 2-1, 1-1, 
2-2. Checking why translate is not working.

On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 12:27 AM, John Lo (loj) 
<l...@cisco.com<mailto:l...@cisco.com>> wrote:
If using translate, it should be translate 1-1, so vtr will replace one tag on 
the packet with another tag. Then you only need to do it on one interface, to 
replace its tag with the tag of the other interface.

If pop is used on both interfaces, a packet would have its tag poped on input 
interface and then have output interface tag pushed on output. That’s why two 
vtr operations are performed per packet.


From: Nagaprabhanjan Bellaru 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 1:50 PM
To: John Lo (loj) <l...@cisco.com<mailto:l...@cisco.com>>
Cc: Jan Gelety -X (jgelety - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
<jgel...@cisco.com<mailto:jgel...@cisco.com>>; vpp-dev 

Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] L2 Xconnect does not re-write vlan tags?

Many thanks for your replies Jan, John!
I tried translate1-2 and translate2-1, the ingress vlan is getting popped, but 
the egress vlan stack instead of being (150|200), it became (150|200|200) - 
i.e. there were three tags imposed on the packet, instead of two. Looking into 
the issue.
John, by popping and pushing on the same interface, do you mean that call 
l2vtr_configure twice with pop and push once each respectively?

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 11:55 PM, John Lo (loj) 
<l...@cisco.com<mailto:l...@cisco.com>> wrote:
If doing tag1 to tag2 translation as suggested, only need to do it on one 
interface. Whatever is specified on an interface will be performed on input 
while the opposite will be performed on output.  Using pop on both interfaces, 
as suggested in my other reply, is more straightforward but is less efficient 
as VTR operation is performed on each packet twice.


From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>] On 
Behalf Of Jan Gelety -X (jgelety - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Nagaprabhanjan Bellaru <nagp.li...@gmail.com<mailto:nagp.li...@gmail.com>>; 
vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] L2 Xconnect does not re-write vlan tags?

Hello nagp,

You need to use tag rewrite

l2_interface_vlan_tag_rewrite <intfc> | sw_if_index <nn> [disable] [push-[1|2]] 
[pop-[1|2]] [translate-1-[1|2]] [translate-2-[1|2]] [push_dot1q 0] tag1 <nn> 
tag2 <nn>

on both interfaces.

-         option translate-1-2 on sub-if1

-         option translate-2-1 on sub-if2


From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io] On Behalf Of Nagaprabhanjan Bellaru
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 17:51
To: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Subject: [vpp-dev] L2 Xconnect does not re-write vlan tags?

I have a L2 cross-connect configuration where packets arrive on a sub-if1 (with 
vlan id 500) and go out on sub-if2 (with a vlan stack 200, 150).
When I send packets on sub-if1, it is getting out on sub-if2, but the vlan tags 
are not getting re-written. Is there anything else that should be done or is 
this the standard behavior?

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