Dear Tom,

I’m now running my “work” subnet behind a vpp gateway. In fact, if you see this 
message, it’s working... (;-).

See below for a vpp config w/ IRB. The “lstack” tap interface allows host stack 
access, and provides a path for clients on the bridged interfaces to reach the 
dhcp server. I need to do a tiny bit of scripting to bring up vpp, hand it the 
config shown below, then “ifconfig lstack up”, and restart the 
dhcp server.

In this setup, GigabitEthernet3/0/0 is the WAN link.

The snat plugin is willing to create static mappings. I use one to map a single 
port to sshd, which I’ve configured onto a non-obvious port and to refuse all 
but public-key authentication. We need to add a feature to the plugin similar 
to “snat add interface address”, so I won’t try to explain the rigmarole 

HTH... D.


set int state GigabitEthernet3/0/0 up
set dhcp client intfc GigabitEthernet3/0/0 hostname vppgate
loop create
set int l2 bridge loop0 1 bvi
set int ip address loop0
set int state loop0 up
set int l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/14/0 1
set int state GigabitEthernet0/14/0 up
set int l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/14/1 1
set int state GigabitEthernet0/14/1 up
set int l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/14/2 1
set int state GigabitEthernet0/14/2 up
comment { dhcp server and host-stack access }
tap connect lstack hwaddr random
set int l2 bridge tap-0 1
set int state tap-0 up
snat add interface address GigabitEthernet3/0/0
set interface snat in loop0 out GigabitEthernet3/0/0



subnet netmask {
  option routers;
  option domain-name-servers;





Thanks… Dave

From: Thomas F Herbert []
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 6:19 PM
To: Dave Barach (dbarach) <>
Subject: Re: VPP home gateway

On 01/10/2017 12:53 PM, Dave Barach (dbarach) wrote:
Netgate 6x1GE System… It's pretty expensive, roughly 800 bucks. Fast enough for 
some self compile action.  If the price point doesn't turn you off, let me know 
and I'll send details

Thanks... Dave

On Jan 10, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Thomas F Herbert 
<<>> wrote:


What board are you using for your Atom based VPP home gateway? I would like to 
try it if I can find an adequate board at reasonable cost.
It is within budget. More details would be useful and I will try to join the 
dog food consumers or maybe cat food.

Is there a thread of discussion on this topic?


Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat

Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat
vpp-dev mailing list

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