Hi list,

I ended up with a weired VPP configuration:

there are two host interfaces in VPP: A and B. They both have identical MAC
and IP addresses. The IP address of B is on VRF 1.
Only interface A can get traffic from "real world", and it have one valid
entry in its neighbour table:
DBGvpp# sh ip6 neighbors
    Time           Address       Flags     Link layer
     40.7989       2001::2         G    00:00:00:00:00:00           B
    106.3092       2001::2              76:5c:87:1a:09:eb            A

Now, from external application I would like to figure out the MACs of
neighbours of interface A  and add corresponding neighbours for interface
B. Basically: copy neighbours table of A to the neighbours table of B. It
should be preferably done via java binding VPP API (JVPP).

VPP is good ad discovering neighbours so I believe there should be simple
solution for my problem. There is JVPP ipNeighborAddDel() call that
adds neighbour
for given interface, but there is nothing I can find to query neighbours.

Could please somebody point out if there is a simple way to achieve what I

Thank you a lot in advance for any help,

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