Some comments below. I looped in Al, Maryam and Billy as they may have some 
suggestions as to the next steps as they drafted the original draft.


From: Alec Hothan (ahothan) []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 4:09 PM
To: Gray, Mark D <>; Thomas F Herbert 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] vHost user test scenarios for CSIT - TWS meeting

Hi Mark,

Thanks for providing the pointer to the IETF draft. This looks like a great 
document for describing vswitch performance benchmarking and we could clearly 
reuse/contribute to that document.
[Gray, Mark D] Yes, I think it would be good to share the good work that you 
are doing to the wider community and this may be a vehicle to do it.
There are already some overlap with what is being discussed here such as packet 
paths involving 1 or 2 VMs (what we call PVP, PVVP and used as well in OpNFV 
and EANTC testing), Other packet paths are called V2V, P2P… I think it would be 
great to make these terms more official in this draft.

My main concern is that this document – by design - stays agnostic of the 
implementations and deployment constraints, more specifically OpenStack base 
deployment constraints.
One example is the number of physical interfaces, as for most vswitch 
benchmarks, the draft still describes 2 phys interfaces, despite the fact that 
the vast majority of deployments use 1 phys interface per compite node (or 1 
bonded interface).
[Gray, Mark D] Absolutely correct. This is a problem with the IETF draft.
I understand that this draft can be augmented/amended with new content but it 
will likely still need to be complemented by another document specifying the 
specific constraints of an OpenStack deployment, such as:

-          Number of phys interface

-          Encapsulation types as described in this thread

-          Specific VM to vswitch challenges (vhost user)

Regarding the metrics, I would also like to see a more formal description on 
how to measure all these metrics (this is often lacking in standards 
specifications). Some of the metrics are well covered by current tools (such as 
RFS 2544 packet loss rate, 0PacketLoss) but many are not supported and are not 
trivial to measure (especially when the vswitch is to be seen as a black box). 
I found this gray area to cause quite a bit of confusion in the industry when 
end users require blanket conformance to some industry standards and NFV 
vendors need to comply to them…

We also discussed in this forum about the need to specify better the traffic 
sent to the VNFs, such as flow pattern (how many flows, how new flows are 
created, terminated over time…). I see this is mentioned very quickly in this 
draft (3.4 flow classification).
[Gray, Mark D] Yeah I think more detail in this area would be useful and it 
looks like you have more specific examples in this area.

Anyway, how would you suggest to see this moving forward? Should we try to 
split this work in 2 parts:

-          one generic and agnostic of deployment conditions to be done in the 
IETF draft context (e.g. introduce formal terminologies for packet paths, 
metrics definitions and measurement procedures, flow definition…)

-          one more specific to OpenStack documents (perhaps more in the 
context of OpNFV or OpenStack)
[Gray, Mark D] I think I saw them as one document but your suggestion sounds 
more reasonable as this would need to applicable outside of the context of 
Openstack and OPNFV.

The IETF process will be clearly a lot longer than the OpNFV/OpenStack one so 
we will have to work this out as well.
[Gray, Mark D] Yeah, I think so but perhaps it is a parallel activity.

Best Regards,


From: <<>> on 
behalf of "Gray, Mark D" <<>>
Date: Friday, December 16, 2016 at 2:23 AM
To: Thomas F Herbert <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] vHost user test scenarios for CSIT - TWS meeting


I am arriving a little bit late to this topic. I have been looking over the 
work and it is really comprehensive and evolving very well!

Haveyou considered contributing your work to the IETF draft for benchmarking 
virtual switches - ? It may not be 
a perfect document but I believe it is trying to be agnostic to a test 
framework and vswitch implementation and could be a good starting point for a 
documented test plan that could be reapplied elsewhere and help showcase the 
benefits of VPP. Maciek, I think you helped on some test cases in this document?

Any thoughts on this?


[] On Behalf Of Thomas F Herbert
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] vHost user test scenarios for CSIT - TWS meeting

On 12/13/2016 07:53 AM, Billy McFall wrote:
I consulted with some of my Red Hat colleagues (primarily ODL developers) and 
they agree that the typical deployment they have seen is with one interface, 
not two.

Billy McFall

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 2:27 AM, Pierre Pfister (ppfister) 
<<>> wrote:
As per my action item from last meeting, I asked RedHat guy why they came up 
with testing with 2 physical interfaces instead of just one.

And the answer is really that they did that out of simplicity.
We should probably run some tests and see if using a single interface makes a 
difference (and take a decision based on that).

The person I talked to also mentioned that it is desirable to run tests with 
realistic flows and packet size rather than focusing on the very limited 64B 
Mpps test.

- Pierre

Le 7 déc. 2016 à 01:20, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) 
<<>> a écrit :


Next call details:
CSIT - vHost user test scenarios for CSIT
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
09:00  |  PST Time | 1 hr
17:00  |  GMT Time (London, GMT)  |  1 hr
Join WebEx meeting:
Meeting number: 202 237 426
Meeting password: RZrXrBac (79797222 from phones)


On 2 Dec 2016, at 17:17, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) 
<<>> wrote:

Many thanks to all who attended the TWS call today. Notes were taken on 
#fdio-meeting IRC and CSIT wiki per links below.
We agreed to have a follow-up TWS call to finish the live discussion - on 
Wednesday 7-Dec 09:00-10:00 PST, call details below and on<> 
TWS page.

* Meeting ended Fri Dec  2 18:07:36 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
* Minutes:
* Minutes (text):
* Log:   


Next call details:
CSIT - vHost user test scenarios for CSIT
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
09:00  |  PST Time | 1 hr
17:00  |  GMT Time (London, GMT)  |  1 hr
Join WebEx meeting:
Meeting number: 202 237 426
Meeting password: RZrXrBac (79797222 from phones)


On 1 Dec 2016, at 15:05, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) 
<<>> wrote:

Here call details:

vHost user test scenarios for CSIT - TWS meeting
Friday, 2 December 2016
17:00  |  GMT Time (London, GMT)  |  1 hr
09:00  |  PST Time | 1 hr

Join WebEx meeting:
Meeting number: 203 819 086
Meeting password: A335rJNd (23357563 from phones)

Also updated here:


vHost user test scenarios for CSIT - TWS meeting
Friday, 2 December 2016
17:00  |  GMT Time (London, GMT)  |  1 hr

Join WebEx meeting:
Meeting number: 203 819 086
Meeting password: A335rJNd (23357563 from phones)

Join by phone
+1-408-525-6800<tel:%2B1-408-525-6800> Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
+1-866-432-9903<tel:%2B1-866-432-9903> Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Access code: 203 819 086
Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions

On 1 Dec 2016, at 10:56, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) 
<<>> wrote:

OK, this sounds convincing at least to em. Set for 09:00 - 10:00am PST 
tomorrow, Friday, 2-Dec.
I will set up webex, and advertise it on csit-dev and vpp-dev and on TWS page.
Give me an hour or so.. working in PST TZ makes me slower than UK - is it CA 
air? ;)


On 1 Dec 2016, at 05:02, Thomas F Herbert 
<<>> wrote:

On 11/30/2016 08:41 PM, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) wrote:

We didn’t have much time to discuss the vhostuser use cases on CSIT project 
call earlier today.
On the call we also didn’t have all the interested parties that were providing 
feedback to date.

Hence agreed to hold a separate Tech WorkStream call to cover this.
Quick check on #fdio-csit irc, this Friday AM PST seems to work for folks.
What about 08:00-09:00 PST this Friday?
0900-10:00 PST would be better for me.

If yes, I will post meeting details here:


On 29 Nov 2016, at 18:53, Thomas F Herbert 
<<>> wrote:




On 11/29/2016 09:27 PM, Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) wrote:

Here is the first draft:

I did my best to capture all inputs as per this thread. But it’s hardly 
readable yet - requires more TLC :)
See what you think - feel free to add/edit things directly on<> wiki page.

Suggest to discuss next steps on csit weekly call tomorrow, details here:


On 28 Nov 2016, at 07:37, Thomas F Herbert 
<<>> wrote:


At last week's CSIT meeting, Maciek 
(<>) offered to compile a summary 
suggestions on this mailing list.

On 11/22/2016 11:34 AM, Pierre Pfister (ppfister) wrote:
Hello Thomas,

Sorry I haven't reached out faster, I was travelling.

Please have a look at vppsb/vhost-test
It includes a standalone script which provides VPP and VM configuration for PVP 
- Runs testpmd in the VM
- Supports various CPU configuration for VPP
- Can run with or without gdb, debug or release

Not committed yet:
- Supports VM restart
- Support for VPP restart
- Support for multiple additional (dead) vhost interface

I did that outside of the context of CSIT so people can:
- Look at it and see what are the optimisations that are used
- Use it without CSIT

I will keep using and improving it because I use it for my own development and 
testing purposes.

Rest of this inline.

Le 8 nov. 2016 à 22:25, Thomas F Herbert 
<<>> a écrit :


Soliciting opinions from people as to vhost-user testing scenarios and guest 
modes in<> CSIT testing of VPP - vhost-user.

I will forward to this mailing list as well as summarize any additional 

I asked some people that happen to be here at OVSCON as well as some Red Hat 
and Intel people. I am also including some people that are involved in upstream 
vhost-user work in DPDK.

So far, I have the following feedback with an attempt to condense feedback and 
to keep the list small. If I left out anything, let me know.

In addition to the PVP tests done now with small packets.

Testpmd in guest is OK for now.

1 Add multiple VMs (How many?)
Makes sense to me. 2 is enough (4 would be good number).

2 Both multi-queue and single-queue
Yes. Ideally, 1-2-4 queues.
With different number of workers (0 workers, i.e. single VPP thread, 1 worker, 
queues*2 workers).

3 Tests that cause the equivalent of multiple flows in OVS. Varying variety of 
traffic including layer 2 and layer 3 traffic.
Yes. Should test with L2 and L3.

4 Multiple IF's (Guest or Host or Both?)
But more importantly, I think, we need to have VM restart and interface restart 
(delete - create).
OpenStack integration generates a significant amount of delete-recreate of 
vhost interface.

The following might not be doable by 17.01 and if not consider the following as 
a wish list for future:

1 vxLan tunneled traffic

2 VPP in guest with layer 2 and layer 3 vRouted traffic.

3 Additional Overlay/Underlay: MPLS
Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat
vpp-dev mailing list<>

Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat

Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat

Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat

vpp-dev mailing list<>


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Thomas F Herbert
SDN Group
Office of Technology
Red Hat
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