Hello vpp-dev,

I would like to ask if anyone have idea what may be wrong?

Thank you.

Peter Mikus
Engineer – Software
Cisco Systems Limited

From: Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 7:58 AM
To: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Cc: Maciek Konstantynowicz (mkonstan) <mkons...@cisco.com>; csit-...@lists.fd.io
Subject: RE: CSIT encapsulation test are failing

Hello vpp-dev,

I’ve noticed that since dpdk-16.11 is merged in VPP, our encapsulation tests 
for LISP IP4oIP4 and IP6oIP4 and also VXLANoIP4 is failing due to:

vat#    Count                    Node                  Reason
  999999                  dpdk-input            Rx L4 checksum errors

This does not affect oIP6 encapsulations, which might be interesting to compare.

In DPDK16.11 I’ve found there was some rework regarding the Rx L4 checksum 
handling in 
 - Maybe it is not related but does anybody know by chance what might be the 

Packet traces attached. I do not see packets coming from interface with 
encapsulation. Encapsulations are done between two VPP nodes.

Thank you.

vpp-dev mailing list
  • Re: [vpp-dev] CSI... Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)
    • Re: [vpp-dev... Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)

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