I have found generally found that having features that can only be configured 
at software startup almost inevitably causes problems.  There are rare cases 
where there is no choice, but in general it is much better if configuration can 
be done for all features during operation.

Having said that, making it easy to set up the initial configuration the right 
way is also highly desirable.


From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io [mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io] On 
Behalf Of Jerome Tollet (jtollet)
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:42 AM
To: murali Venkateshaiah (muraliv) <mura...@cisco.com>; Frank Brockners 
(fbrockne) <fbroc...@cisco.com>; Maros Marsalek -X (mmarsale - PANTHEON 
TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) <mmars...@cisco.com>
Cc: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)

Thanks for this input. That’s helpful.

De : "murali Venkateshaiah (muraliv)" 
Date : jeudi 10 novembre 2016 à 16:15
À : Jerome Tollet <jtol...@cisco.com<mailto:jtol...@cisco.com>>, "Frank 
Brockners (fbrockne)" <fbroc...@cisco.com<mailto:fbroc...@cisco.com>>, "Maros 
Marsalek -X (mmarsale - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)" 
Cc : vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Objet : Re: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)

Quick FYI., atleast from our experience with Nfvi customers, where bonding is 
enabled, the runtime changes aren’t a requirement.
VPP bonding at startup has been good enough.

From: <vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>> on 
behalf of "Jerome Tollet (jtollet)" 
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:53 AM
To: "Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" 
<fbroc...@cisco.com<mailto:fbroc...@cisco.com>>, "Maros Marsalek -X (mmarsale - 
PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)" <mmars...@cisco.com<mailto:mmars...@cisco.com>>
Cc: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)

I am not aware of customers changing their bonding configuration at runtime. Of 
course, we could always imagine scenario but nothing concrete. It would be good 
to get inputs from real users on this topic.
Anyway, my email below was just pointing design differences.

De : "Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" 
Date : jeudi 10 novembre 2016 à 15:37
À : Jerome Tollet <jtol...@cisco.com<mailto:jtol...@cisco.com>>, "Maros 
Marsalek -X (mmarsale - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)" 
Cc : vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Objet : RE: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)


quick question: In which case do you see customers changing the configuration 
for link-aggregation/interface-bonding at runtime? I would typically see that 
as an install-time feature, which is why even with OVS things are done through 
the installer.

Thanks, Frank

From: Jerome Tollet (jtollet)
Sent: Donnerstag, 10. November 2016 10:47
To: Frank Brockners (fbrockne) <fbroc...@cisco.com<mailto:fbroc...@cisco.com>>; 
Maros Marsalek -X (mmarsale - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) 
Cc: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)

Frank, Maros,
One important difference I see between OVS-DPDK and VPP is that VPP Bonding 
supports relies on DPDK. AFAIK, all DPDK parameters are set at startup and it 
is then impossible to modify them.
On the other side, OVS-DPDK provides its own implementation of bonding and 
LCAP. So it is possible to modify bonded interfaces at runtime.

De : <vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>> au nom 
de "Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" <fbroc...@cisco.com<mailto:fbroc...@cisco.com>>
Date : mercredi 9 novembre 2016 à 14:47
À : "Maros Marsalek -X (mmarsale - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)" 
<mmars...@cisco.com<mailto:mmars...@cisco.com>>, vpp-dev 
Objet : Re: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)

Hi Maros,

to broaden the question: Which way do we want to go to configure “interface 

From a solutions stack perspective, we need the installer to configure bonding 
as part of the network setup. Installers like Fuel or TripleO/APEX do this 
today for OVS.  In case of FDS, we need to have the mechanics in TripleO/Apex, 

?         Have a config option similar to “BondInterfaceOvsOptions” for VPP in 
APEX/TripleO, e.g. BondInterfaceVPPOptions
(see e.g. 
 along with the associated puppet manifests.

?         These puppet manifests would be expected to drive the associated 
config on VPP/DPDK. We could deal with CLI, but this is less desirable. Config 
through HC would be the obvious choice from a FDS perspective.
That said, we have systems (like the ML2-VPP based setup), where we don’t have 
HC present (yet), but would still need interface bonding to be configured 
through TripleO/APEX.
This somewhat leads to the more general question how we want VPP system level 
config to be driven while avoiding duplicated implementations. Do we default to 
CLI, or do we default to HC, or what would be the common denominator?

Thanks, Frank

From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io] On Behalf Of Maros Marsalek -X (mmarsale - 
Sent: Donnerstag, 3. November 2016 12:29
To: vpp-dev <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>>
Subject: [vpp-dev] Interface bonding (binary APIs)


VPP supports interface bonding and can be configured using DPDK configuration 

Is there any support for interface bonding over binary APIs ?

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