Hi everyone,

Trying out the flow-per-packet plugin which Dave hacked and merged a few days 
ago. While it works fine in general I’ve noticed the flowStartNanoseconds field 
here stands for the time since vpp started.
This brings in the problem that the collector has to know when VPP started as 
well. So here’re my questions:

1.       How should I know the time when VPP started?

2.       Is there a special concern that why this field can’t be the time since 
a fixed time, say 19700101? In RFC 5102 it said:
   Timestamps flowStartSeconds, flowEndSeconds, flowStartMilliseconds,
   flowEndMilliseconds, flowStartMicroseconds, flowEndMicroseconds,
   flowStartNanoseconds, flowEndNanoseconds, and
   systemInitTimeMilliseconds are absolute and have a well-defined fixed
   time base, such as, for example, the number of seconds since 0000 UTC
   Jan 1st 1970.
It also recommended using flowStartSysUpTime to represent the time relative to 
the last initialization of the IPFIX Device:

   Timestamps flowStartSysUpTime and flowEndSysUpTime are relative

   timestamps indicating the time relative to the last (re-

   )initialization of the IPFIX Device.  For reporting the time of the

   last (re-)initialization, systemInitTimeMilliseconds can be reported,

   for example, in Data Records defined by Option Templates.

For reference the plugin is in vpp/plugins/flowperpkt-plugin.


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