On 10/27/2016 03:28 PM, Dave Wallace wrote:
There are already Jira tickets open for this:
Unfortunately there are currently no resources assigned to work on
this issue. This topic was discussed in this week's CSIT Weekly team
meeting. See section 9 of the minutes:
I would highly encourage you to join the CSIT weekly meetings to
discuss status of the rpm_dpdk project and any CSIT requirements (like
this request) needed for the rpm_dpdk project.
OK, Thanks for the reminder. I added comment to Jiras. I will make next
week's CSIT meeting. Also, I don't intend just to whine. I am happy to
contribute if that helps move things along. I am also involved and being
promoted for chair of Centos NFV SIG. I have been following issue of
Qemu Rev on Ubuntu and we will have the same issue for Centos and will
be happy to discuss that at CSIT meeting.
Also, interested in co-ordinating with downstream Centos NFV SIG.
On 10/27/16 2:11 PM, Thomas F Herbert wrote:
fd.io Folks,
I apologize in advance for "barking" on all the fd.io lists but this
topic really is cross functional,
I want to formally propose that we add Centos 7 server to CSIT. The
purpose would be to:
1. Perf and func tests of Centos deployment of VPP and Honeycomb etc.
2. Func and perf tests of DPDK RPM deployment from dpdk-rpm project.
Aid in downstream acceptance of RPM based distros such as Centos 7
(NFV Sig) and Fedora.
Priority: Centos7
Later: Fedora
*Thomas F Herbert*
SDN Group
Office of Technology
*Red Hat*
rpm_dpdk mailing list
*Thomas F Herbert*
SDN Group
Office of Technology
*Red Hat*
vpp-dev mailing list