
Unfortunately the Build Artifacts for these test failures have been purged. The LF Infra team has plans to implement a log serverwhere all test logs will be available (logs.fd.io) for 6 months but that functionality is not currently available. Vanessa is scheduled to work on it after she has completed the transition from vagrant to packer for minion VMimages.

Therefore the syslog outputwhich would indicate the reason for the VPP restart failure is not availablebecause it is also elided from theconsole output by the robot framework.

I have run dut_setup.sh in a VIRL VM for several thousand iterations with the sleep time set to 2 seconds without a restart failure. If I set the sleep time to 1 second, I can get a restart failure within 100 iterations.

Based on the existing data, my current conclusion is that the restart failure was not directly related to the 3 second sleep duration. I have also not seen this failure today in any other verify job. Therefore the best we can do at this point is to continue to monitor the vpp-csit-verify-virl-master job failures for the same error signature and hopefully retrieve the output.xml file before it gets purged.


On 10/21/16 11:46 AM, Dave Wallace wrote:

I see thatthere is a "sleep 3" in ...csit/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh after the vpp service restart in order to allow VPP tocomplete the restart case. I'm wondering if VPP sometimes takes longer thanthat to restart?

Do you recall if there was ever an attempt to find a determinant test to verify that VPP has completed initialization?

I'm going to do some VPP restart testing on the VIRL testbed using the images built as part of https://jenkins.fd.io/job/vpp-csit-verify-virl-master/1851/. However if my theory is correct, I'm not comfortable resolving the problem by simply extending the sleep time.

IMHO, theVPP restart/initialization time should bemeasuredand verified tobe within a specified period of time. It may be necessary to add instrumentation to VPP to achieve this goal.There should really be a separateset of unit tests (with different hugepage allocations) which pass/failprior to feature testing. At the very least, we should not be waiting an arbitrary amount of time during test setup and the actualtime to restart/complete initialization should be measured and logged.


On 10/21/16 10:00 AM, Jan Gelety -X (jgelety - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) wrote:

Hello Dave,

I had a look to failed CSIT runs under https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/3511/ :



In both cases the timeout exception occurred during test case or test suite setup phase after restarting vpp (part of the script dut_setup.sh):

Command_done_exec] 'cat /etc/vpp/startup.conf'

[Command_start_exec] 'sudo -S service vpp restart'


Current contents of stderr buffer:

It seems that one of the DUTs has stop to communicate and not responding even after cca 30s later in the tear down of the test… But there was not a crash of DUT/VM as the frozen process for dut_setup.sh script is still there when the connection is working again (the next test case setup phase):

20:54:26.422 FAIL timeout: Timeout exception.

Current contents of stdout buffer:

[Command_desc] Starting /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

[Command_start_exec] 'dpkg -l vpp\*'

[Command_outputs] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend

|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)

||/ Name           Version                      Architecture Description


ii vpp 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--executables

ii vpp-dbg 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--debug symbols

ii vpp-dev 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--development support

ii vpp-dpdk-dev 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--development support

ii vpp-dpdk-dkms 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 DPDK 2.1 igb_uio_driver

ii vpp-lib 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--runtime libraries

ii vpp-plugins 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--runtime plugins

[Command_done_exec] 'dpkg -l vpp\*'

[Command_start_exec] 'ps aux | grep vpp'



root 10323 99.3 0.8 2477148 33580 ? Rsl 14:54 0:13 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

root 10461 0.0 0.0 47296 3684 ? Ss 14:54 0:00 sudo -Sn bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10462 0.0 0.0 11540 2964 ? S 14:54 0:00 bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10465  0.0  0.0  13232   924 ?        S    14:54   0:00 grep vpp

[Command_done_exec] 'ps aux | grep vpp'


(the next tests case setup phase)

20:55:06.951 FAIL timeout: Timeout exception.

Current contents of stdout buffer:

[Command_desc] Starting /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

[Command_start_exec] 'dpkg -l vpp\*'

[Command_outputs] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend

|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)

||/ Name           Version                      Architecture Description


ii vpp 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--executables

ii vpp-dbg 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--debug symbols

ii vpp-dev 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--development support

ii vpp-dpdk-dev 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--development support

ii vpp-dpdk-dkms 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 DPDK 2.1 igb_uio_driver

ii vpp-lib 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--runtime libraries

ii vpp-plugins 16.12-rc0~238-g0d1509f~b1851 amd64 Vector Packet Processing--runtime plugins

[Command_done_exec] 'dpkg -l vpp\*'

[Command_start_exec] 'ps aux | grep vpp'



root 10323 25.7 0.8 2477148 35604 ? Ssl 14:54 0:13 /usr/bin/vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

root 10461 0.0 0.0 47296 3684 ? Ss 14:54 0:00 sudo -Sn bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10462 0.0 0.0 11540 2964 ? S 14:54 0:00 bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10467 0.0 0.0 47296 3648 ? S 14:54 0:00 sudo -S service vpp restart

root 10468 0.0 0.0 25176 1332 ? S 14:54 0:00 systemctl restart vpp.service

root 10482 0.0 0.0 47296 3700 ? Ss 14:54 0:00 sudo -Sn bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10483 0.0 0.0 11540 2960 ? S 14:54 0:00 bash /tmp/openvpp-testing/resources/libraries/bash/dut_setup.sh

root 10486  0.0  0.0  13232  1012 ?        S    14:54   0:00 grep vpp

[Command_done_exec] 'ps aux | grep vpp'

[Command_start_exec] 'cat /etc/vpp/startup.conf'




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