For those of you who have the setup as on and already have a
webserver on the same machine: These login's can be accessed with java
enabled webbrowsers with the next additional setup:

Create a vnc directory which is available trough http://server/vnc/. (RH7.2:
`mkdir /var/www/html/vnc` directory browsing is not required)
Copy the file vncviewer.jar from the vnc-classes directory to this directory
(RH7.2: `cp /usr/share/vnc/classes/vncviewer.jar /var/www/html/vnc`)

Create vnc-geometry html files in this directory, see below for the html
file for an 800 x 600 vncserver at port 5961. Store it with the name
vnc-0800x0600x16 (/var/www/html/vnc/vnc-0800x0600x16)

If not started, start your webserver (`/etc/init.d/httpd start`)
Point your browser to http://server/vnc/ or

Create other files for other geometries as follows:
- Adapt the port number in the <param name=port value=5961> line
- Adapt the width to the servers width
- Adapt the height to the servers height and add 23 pixels here for the top
(adapt all other html to your wishes, it's only the <APPLET... </APLET> part
that counts)
- Point your browser to http://server/vnc/FileName

(For the maintainer of the sourcecodecorner page, I have a bunch of files
that go with the configuration mail me for a target address.)



C. Beerse

---- vnc-0800x0600x16 html file starts here ----
This session will be lost forever if you move out of this window
<H1>This session will be lost forever if you move out of this window</H1>
<APPLET CODE=vncviewer.class ARCHIVE=/vnc/vncviewer.jar WIDTH=800
<param name=PORT value=5961>
---- vnc-0800x0600x16 html file ends here ----
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