At 4/22/2002 Monday 05:02 PM, Alan Rader wrote:

>I heard there was a script out there that VNC could
>install itself on a machine so you could connect,
>then uninstall itself when you disconnect.

>Has anyone heard of such a thing?

Alan, perhaps you are thinking of VNC Server's capability to connect with 
any Java-enabled web browser.  If you point your browser at port 5800 
(default) of the served machine {http://www.servedmachine.tld:5800/}, a 
built-in web-miniserver will send a page with a Java applet that, in turn, 
connects with the standard VNC port 5900 (default), turning your browser 
into a VNC Viewer.

When you dismiss the page, the applet evaporates.  That is an 
install/uninstall--kind of.

I've had occasion to use that feature--it just seems magical and 
extraordinarily clever to me.

Best regards,
Chris Johansen
33 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801-2835
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