I think you've covered all of the minimal-pain methods, Michael... I hunted up a script I used to use for remote support like this - it can be done in a batch file instead of WSH, but escaping characters is a little more difficult.
Here it is in case anyone finds it useful. You can customize the "To:" name and the subject, then distribute it. Whenever anyone runs the script, it sends you an email from them which includes the full local IP information for them - including DNS, etc. 'GetHelp.vbs Option Explicit Dim SendTo, Subject Dim Msg ' Customize entries below as needed SendTo = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Subject = "Support Request" 'Grab local IP info via shell command Msg = CmdResults("ipconfig /all 2>1") 'send it out MakeMail SendTo, Subject, Msg Function CmdResults(cmdline) Dim oShell, Cmd set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set Cmd = oShell.Exec("%COMSPEC% /C " & cmdline) CmdResults = Cmd.StdOut.ReadAll End Function Sub MakeMail(sTo, sSubject, sMsg) dim tmp, oShell 'create mailto target tmp = "mailto:" & sTo ' escape subject and add it tmp = tmp & "?&subject=" & escape(sSubject) 'escape body and add it tmp = tmp & "&body=" & escape(sMsg) tmp = Replace(tmp,"%20%20","%20") tmp = Replace(tmp,"%20.","") tmp = Replace(tmp,"%0D%0D%0A","%0D%0A") set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") oShell.Run tmp End Sub ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Milette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, 2002-04-17 12:39 Subject: RE: Exchanging IP addresses (was: Connecting to another computer via dialup) > Actually, if you are talking on the phone to the person with the dial-up > connection and you have a DSL or Cable connection, just check your IP > address before hanging up with them. Chances are pretty good that your IP > address won't change in the next few minutes and they will be able to > connect right up to your system. > > If you are both on dial-up, here are a few alternatives you can use to > exchange IP addresses: > > - Email the IP address. Actually, users don't even need > to know their IP address. Just have them send you an > email. You can locate their the IP address in the > header information. It is typically hidden but usually > still accessible. > > - An IP poster like Post-It Dynamic IP Poster (freeware) > Note: Requires access to a web site to upload a > web page containing the IP address (all automated though). > http://www.knology.net/~cartersoftware/ip.html > > - Use ICQ, MSN, or AOL Instant Messenger. You still need to find > out what your the IP address so as to tell the other person. > > - DNS2GO. May not work if you are behind a firewall or router. > > NOTE: There are a many ways to find out your current IP address. Here are a > few: > > 1) Click Start, Run, and enter WINIPCFG (Win9x/ME only) > 2) Run IPCONFIG from a command prompt in Win NT/2K/XP > 3) If you are running VNC Server, just place your mouse > over the VNC icon on your task bar (near the clock). > > TIP for NT4/2000/XP users: WNTIPCFG, a GUI version of the IPCONFIG command > is available for free from Microsoft at > http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/existing/wntipcfg-o.a sp. > If you miss the WINIPCFG tool from Windows 9x/ME, you will love having this > official replacement. > > Michael Milette > > At 06:35 AM 2002-04-17, you wrote: > >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >Subject: RE: Connecting to another computer via dialup > > > >Jon, > > > >do YOU have a static IP address or can YOU setup a dns2go for your dynamic > >IP address? If yes, then perhaps the following solution might work: > >- when you need to get to the remote users's Win98, start vncviewer in > >listening mode ("vncviewer.exe /listen")on your computer > >- let the remote user start winvnc on his Win98 and connect it to your > >listening vncviewer. You can prepare an icon on his desktop for this. > > > >This procedure requires YOU to know your IP address and it's probably not a > >problem for you to find it out if it's dynamic or setup dns2go. > > > >Just my $0.02. > > > >Regards, > > > >Miro > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: > 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY > See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html > --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------