>>>>> "jc" == jnc cis <see7a> writes:

jc> Hi Anybody knows what is the difference in implementation between
jc> Raw and Fast pixel drawing ??

"Raw pixel drawing" = "Fast":

  The drawing is performed using a Graphics.drawImage(...) method,
  where the image source is a MemoryImageSource object.

  This method does not work everywhere, e.g. it was reported not
  working under MacOS / MRJ browsers.

"Raw pixel drawing" = "Reliable":

  The drawing is performed using Graphics.setColor(...) and
  Graphics.fillRect(...) for _each_ pixel of the raw data block.

  This method can be _much_ slower but usually works under different

TightVNC 1.2.3 Java viewer does not use this option, its drawing model
is very different and was aimed to be both fast and reliable.

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