
Thanks for the detailed description. I was interested
about the Question 1 that you have mentioned below
(How does VNC remember what I was running when I
switch viewers ?). I keep my office viewer open and
connect to the VNC server from home and still manage
to get the same applications that were running from
the office viewer. Who maintains this ?


--- Peter Hutnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 April 2002 03:43 pm, Cham Mama
> wrote:
> > hi thanks for the information.
> >
> > What I mean here is if I leave my office PC
> connected
> > to the VNC server and all the application runnings
> on
> > my PC and then connect to the same VNC server from
> > home PC by logging in with the same uid, then how
> I
> > can get a similar desktop on my home PC with the
> same
> > applications running ? How VNC maintains the
> desktop
> > information on per user basis ?
> > So to put in a simple way, does VNC re-associated
> my
> > second login from home with the fist login so that
> I
> > get the same desktop at home ? But I couldn't get
> the
> > code for this in the XVNC code base. If anyone has
> > more information on this, please let me know
> There is no code for this.  The client end is a
> viewer.  So, if you have a 
> picture and you stop looking at it, then you come
> back later and look at it 
> again, how does it look the same?  Of course it
> never changed.
> So, if you have a VNC server running with a viewer
> connected, then you 
> disconnect and connect from somewhere else how does
> it look the same?  Well, 
> it doesn't change just because you stop looking at
> it!
> Now, specifically, the new client requests a full
> screen refresh, since it is 
> starting from nothing.  But the X clients (programs
> that you see via VNC) 
> continue running, unaware that you disconnected.
> Also note that this has nothing to do with UIDs and
> the only thing that VNC 
> does on a "per user basis" is maintain a separate
> xstartup file.  But note 
> that this has to do with what happens when the VNC
> server starts, and has 
> nothing to do with what happens when a VNC viewer
> attaches to the server.  
> (Nothing (except a full screen refresh) happens when
> a viewer attaches.)
> If this isn't clear, please pick from the following
> questions when you reply:
> 1. How does VNC remember what I was running when I
> switch viewers.
> 2. How does VNC know what to run when the server
> starts.
> 3. How can I make a VNC server run the same
> "programs" (X clients) at startup 
> as a different VNC server that works how I want?
> -Peter
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