:: What can vnc do with the clipboard? As far as I found, currently :: nothing but correct me if I'm wrong.
See the FAQ. http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/faq.html#q25 Note that the problems noted in this faq are due to the fact that X actually has two completely different selection/clipboarding systems, and one of them requires the process setting the value to be a client of the X protocol. But the vncviewer is a client of the RFB protocol, and so can't set the primary selection; it can only set the clipboard. The faq notes two solutions to the problem. Note that autocutsel is a workaround for the fact that the viewer isn't an X client; it's an X client that supplements what vncviewer already does. So. Bottom line, yes, you can cut and paste between apps running remotely inside a viewer window and those running locally outside it. :: My suggestion is if the vncviewer focus is changed, the clipboard :: should be copied in the same direction. I'm not sure I understand what "vncviewer focus" is. When the mouse enters the vncviewer's window, the clipboard is copied local-to-remote. When the mouse leaves, the clipboard is copied remote-to-local. Wayne Throop [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------