VNCScan 3.5.1 released 3/11/02

  This release builds on the features of 3.2.22 by making them easier to use.
New to version 3.5.1 is the Windows Explorer type interface.  This interface
makes the groups of computers easier to access and manage.  Here are the new
features in a nutshell:


        New easier to use "explorer" like interface

        Toolbar for easy access

        Status bar that displays the current command line

        Minor bug fixes

  We have many more things in the works for VNC and VNCScan.  You'll hear more
about them as they develop.  We have also opened up a VNCScan support list
that you can subscribe to by sending an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the command SUBSCRIBE in the body.  You
can unsubscribe from the group by sending an email to the same address with
the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body.


Get more information at
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
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