On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 08:41:27PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So how comes Xvnc works for the other servers (same OS same subnet) ?

Good question.  Is it installed exactly the same way?

> Also, if the default-display is :0 then do you know a way to use Xvnc
> with inetd and open higher displays than :0 ?

The -inetd option causes Xvnc to automatically choose an unused display.

Is inetd logging any errors?  Can you find any log files from Xvnc?  I
think the default location is: /usr/adm/X*msgs

Mike Ossmann, Tarantella/UNIX Engineer/Instructor
Alternative Technology, Inc.  http://www.alttech.com/
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