
You may want to add the "vncserver -kill...." statement to your vncserver script
or update your xstartup file.  At lease you won't get the grey screen, becasue
when WM exit, vnc will also exit.

Sometime I wonder why they don't add the "vncserver -kill" in the xstartup 

Good Luck,
Tony Shum

-----vncserver script-----
    = ("#!/bin/sh\n\n".
       "xrdb \$HOME/.Xresources\n".
       "xsetroot -solid grey\n".
       "xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title \"\$VNCDESKTOP Desktop\" &\n".
       "case \"\$VNCDESKTOP\" in\n".
       "  qvwm)         qvwm   ;;\n".
       "  olvwm)        \$HOME/.openwin-init &\n".
       "                olvwm  ;;\n".
       "  olwm)         \$HOME/.openwin-init &\n".
       "                olwm   ;;\n".
       "  icewm)        icewm  ;;\n".
       "  twm)          twm    ;;\n".
       "  cde | dtsession)\n". 
       "                dtsession ;;\n".
       "  cadnt)        cadnt  ;;\n".
       "  dummy|xterm)  xterm  ;;\n".                        
       "  *)            dtsession ;;\n".
       "vncserver -kill :`echo \$DISPLAY | cut -f2 -d:`\n");
-----end of vncserver------
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