
You are not the first to report this strange behavior on Win2K.  I am
unable to reproduce the problem in our Q/A lab so far.  Could you provide
some more details?

  1- What OS are you using?  Win2K Server, Advanced Server, Pro?

  2- Do you have terminal services installed?  Running?

  3- What license model is in effect?  Per server or per user?

  4- Have you enabled logging in the WinVNC.exe server?

     For AT&T and TridiaVNC binaries:

     For TridiaVNC Pro binaries:

     Then look for the "WinVNC.log" file in the WinVNC.exe directory or
     the windows directory when running as a service.

If you could post the relevant section of the log file, or email me
the whole thing, I'll take a look at it.


> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 23:19:35 -0000
> From: "Glyn Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: VNC connection dies
> Hi,
> I am running VNC as a service on a Win2K machine and have a problem.
> Whenever I connect to it using Vncviewer from either a remote computer or on
> a loopback connection the window opens and displays my desktop as it should.
> Then for a period of between a second and perhaps 30s VNC works perfectly.
> Then the vncviewer window will close with no error and I will ahve to log
> back on. If I use a web browser it shuts down with
> ' Socket read failed' on the loopback connection
> and says something like 'RFB -1' on the remote connection. The same happens
> when running VNC in app mode and when I use a remote computer the screen
> resoution is the same on both machines.
> Has anyone else come across this? If not can anyone suggest a way to find
> out what is causing it. I have run VNC on a previous installation of Win2K
> with no problems also I use Zonealarm as a firewall but this seems to have
> no effect
> Can anyone help?
> Regards
> Glyn Edwards

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