Thank you very much for offer to help us test our connection.. We4ll send
you the connection information in a private email.

We downloaded and installed apache on the machine and were able to connect
to it from another machine on the internet, so it appears that the machine
is able to make some connections at least. I downloaded another telnet
program (CRT) hoping that it would give us a better error message than the
telnet.exe that comes with windows but all it reports is that the connection
timed out.

As you can tell, it seems like we have tried everything we can think of to
get this working but have come up with nothing so far. Any ideas or
suggestions would be welcome!

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Ossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Problems connecting through internet

> On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 08:35:06AM -0600, Hotel Puesta del Sol wrote:
> >
> > We are using the same Internet provider for both machines and verified
> > the ISP that they are not blocking any ports. Since we can reverse the
> > (ie have the client become the server and the server become the client)
> > suggests that this is not an issue with the ISP. There is no firewall or
> > security software running on the server machine and no other programs
> > trying to claim port 5900. A netstat -a reveals that port 5900 is unused
> > before winvnc is running and that it is open and listening after winvnc
> > launched.
> Very puzzling.  Perhaps you could ask your ISP to try the telnet test to
> both sides from within their network.  If you are just taking their word
> that they are not blocking anything, it might still be a good idea to
> verify for yourself from a third location.  If you don't have a shell
> account somewhere that you can use, feel free to send me the IP
> addresses by private email and I'd be happy to test from here.  Have you
> tried any other services (such as a web server)?  Are you able to ping
> in both directions?  Are you using IP addresses or DNS names?  If DNS,
> have you verified name service from both sides?
> --
> Mike Ossmann, Tarantella/UNIX Engineer/Instructor
> Alternative Technology, Inc.
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