"Scott J. Sherratt" wrote:
> Sorry for the newbie questions, but I am having trouble with your VNC setup
> procedure & need some clarification:
> http://www.sourcecodecorner.com/articles/vnc/linux.asp#vncserver.inetd
> I am running Red Hat 7.2, gdm
> ##########
> Step 6:
> 6) Update inetd configuration for the services to enable (based on
> /etc/services)
>                                 a) inetd - append contents of
> 'vncserver.inetd' to '/etc/inetd.conf'
>                                 b) xinetd - copy 'vncserver.xinetd' to
> '/etc/xinetd.d' (RH 7.2 (not available in my RH6.2)
> and
> The file below is vncserver.inetd. This should be added to the end of
> /etc/inetd.conf. Please note the path. In this
>                       document the path is /usr/local/bin/Xvnc. This will
> need to be modified based on your own system.
> ##########
> - Do I need to do both (a) and (b) ?  I have no /etc/inetd.conf file to
> append anything to...

Right.  RH 7.2 uses xinetd so you do "b" and then restart the
xinetd service (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart).  It writes
to /var/log/messages so you should be able to see if it 
had a problem with the vnc file or any others. (another debugging
hint :)

> Step  "Our last file is for Redhat 7.2"  (almost missed this one)
> ##########
> This should be copied to the end of /etc/xinet.d. Again, modify the paths
> to suit your
>                       system. This is the vncserver.xinetd.
> ##########
> /etc/xinet.d is a directory, not a file.  Do I place this as a file
> /etc/xinet.d/vncserver.xinetd ?

I installed it as "vnc" in that directory. 

If you are running gdm, then you will have to use gdmconfig
to turn on port 177.  I think the instructions have been updated
to reflect this.

> Scott J. Sherratt  --  Morgan Hill, California
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax: (208)246-5250
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Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 On-Line Applications Research
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