What you did Ace, was to change some resources... menus, icons, strings and
the like... by "hardcoding" certain resources into VNC binary... you adapted
it to your own uses.  Fine... you want to  put out a customized VNC for your
clients, can't fault you for that... as a DAS/NAS consultant, I /MIGHT/ do
the same thing.  You didn't /really/ change the source code... you changed
some resource settings.  Why is it 'icky' (in my opinion)... well... to
start with you hardwired a password in, hardwired installation paths and
registry settings, you put your 'logo' on it, gave it a name... wrapped it
up in a CAB file (with no uninstaller)and called it your own.  To do so
privately is one thing... to do so publicly is quite another... especially
with GPL'd software... What's next Ace... an "AceMiles Camry" (similar to
the Toyota Camry... except it has AceMiles logo painted all over it, and you
can only get the keys from Ace)?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of AceMiles.com
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: Resource Hacker

I know what the source code is.

Read my other email. We are releasing it to be able to follow the GPL

-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Friday, December 21, 2001 4:15 PM
To:     VNC list
Subject:        Re: Resource Hacker

On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 12:23, AceMiles, Inc. wrote:
> But as far as I am concerned - I am not editing the Binary, but editing
> coding and recompiling it.

Do you have any idea what source code is?
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