Several people (including myself) have posted here in recent months having experienced a problem using VNC with ZoneAlarm (free firewall software). The problem being that VNC performance drops to an unusable level if ZoneAlarm is enabled.
I used to have this problem myself. However, I tried VNC again with ZoneAlarm enabled just now, and it works fine! No performance problem! The speed difference with ZA enabled or disabled is noticable if you pay attention but is not enough to distract me. Two things which could affect this have changed on my computer in the time since I first encountered the problem and gave up using VNC+ZA together. Firstly, I've upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. I *think* that after the upgrade I had tried VNC+ZA and discovered the problem was still there. However I'm not 100% sure and it's possible I imagined trying VNC+ZA under Windows 2000. Secondly, yesterday I updated to the latest version of ZoneAlarm, 2.6.362 (I'm just using the freely available version, not ZA Pro), after it prompted me to do so. So it's possible they've fixed something in this release...? Hope this is of some help to somebody... seb --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: ---------------------------------------------------------------------