winvnc - running server behind firewall at work to connect to viewer at home .
from command prompt i can start the server and connect but i have no way to detect if a connection is still alive at the command prompt . also the windows modal dialogs get in the way when i get messages about the server already running etc . ---------- i want my work computer to periodically attempt to connect to my home computer any time there is not an active connection . that way any time i want control of my work computer - all i gotta do is start the listening viewer on my home machine . right now i have a batch file looping with a delay time and it stops and starts the server - this breaks and remakes the current connection ( if present ) . it works but is cumbersome . since i can't tell if there is a current connect i have to stop the server and restart . --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: ---------------------------------------------------------------------