Are you setting DISPLAY?
On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 00:58, Neelu Gora wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am Neelu working with Ampersand Infotech, India. I have a query
> regarding vncserver, would appreciate if any of you could help me in any
> way.
> I am using vnserver on Solaris and using vncviewer from windows to start
> a session. Through an xterm from one of the vncviewer session, I am
> starting a suite of applications. There is a strange behaviour that the
> main tool bar window of the application is always getting displayed on
> the server,
> whereas the rest of the application tools are getting displayed
> correctly on the vncviewer session. It seems as if the display of the
> mail controlling tool bar is behaving as sticky, by forcing the display
> to be always on the solaris server console.
> Could you please tell me what could be the reason behind this kind of
> behaviour ??
> Thanks,
> Neelu
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