:: "Shing-Fat (Fred) Ma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:: Is there a way to check 
:: what vncserver displays I've started using "vncserver :N"? 

: Michael Milette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: On Windows, "netstat -a" at the command prompt will list all of the ports 
: in use. Then look for port numbers that are an offset of 5800 and 5900.

Given the "started using vncserver :N", and the implication of starting
more than one at a time, I'm guessing the question is for linux or some
other unixish environment. 

You could use netstat as described above, 
but it might be more interesting to try

    /usr/bin/ps -eo user,args | grep Xvnc

At least, that's what I use.

Wayne Throop   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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