
>>>>> "DFd" == Dietmar Friesch@isisconsulting de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DFd> With tight you can do things like this 
DFd>  <param name="HOST" value=""> 
DFd>  <param name="PORT" value="5720"> 
DFd>  <param name="encoding" value="tight">
DFd>  <param name="Use CopyRect" value="Yes"> 
DFd>  <param name="CopyRect" value="Fast"> 
DFd>  <param name="Raw pixel drawing" value="Reliable"> 
DFd>  <param name="Compression Level" value="9">
DFd>  <param name="Mouse buttons 2 and 3" value="Normal"> 
DFd>  <param name="Share Desktop" value="Yes"> 
DFd>  <param name="Show Controls" value="No">  
DFd>  <param name="view only" value="Yes"> 

There are two options above that actually are not supported in the
TightVNC Java viewer: "CopyRect" (fast/reliable), "Raw pixel drawing"

DFd> for a complete set of params see the java code at tight

Keeping in mind two exceptions mentioned, the list above misses only
one more parameter, "PASSWORD" (but I would not recommend to use it
anyway, except for some specialized environments e.g. where no
password required at all).

With Best Wishes,
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