Solved it! Xvnc works with the OpenWin libraries, but not the new X11 libraries on Solaris 8. Hence /usr/local/pkg/X11/bin/xterm does not work, but /usr/openwin/bin/xterm does. I noticed the difference when I compared "ldd dtterm" and "ldd xterm" and saw the different versions of the X11 libs in use.
Adding /usr/openwin/bin to the beginning of my path makes xrdb, xterm, twm, ... all work fine. ----------------- Gary Levin 445 South St MCC 1A210R Morristown, NJ 07960 973 829 3416 "Gary Marc Levin" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <glevin@telco cc: (bcc: Gary Marc> Levin/Telcordia) Subject: some apps cannot find 11/15/01 display 11:56 AM Please respond to vnc-list I have Xvnc up and running on a Solaris 8 machine. If I run Xsession, I get the CDE and can bring up, for instance, dtterm. However, none of the standard Xlib programs seem to be able to find the display (xrdb, xterm, ... ), even running from the same window where dtterm works. The problem is not one of Xauth, because the only error is "can't open display". If I try to connect to display :0 for instance, I get an Xlib warning about lack of authority. I ran truss on xterm and found that it is looking for the file in /tmp/.X11-pipe and giving up when that is not found. Xvnc is not creating the pipe in that directory. The directory is set 777 (I know, security hole, I'll talk to the admins about it), but Xvnc isn't even trying to create the file. Again, I ran truss and see that Xvnc is checking for the existence of /tmp/.X11-pipe/X2, but never tries to create it. We seem to be running the latest release of Xvnc. The Xvnc command line in use is: Xvnc :2 -desktop 'X' -httpd classes -auth /usr/aavpn/vnc/.Xauthority -geometry 952x650 -depth 8 -rfbwait 120000 -rfbauth /usr/aavpn/vnc/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5902 -alwaysshared >> '/usr/aavpn/vnc/.vnc/freya:2.log' 2>&1 I tried the -pn option, but that had no effect. The server is up and running. I can connect a viewer to it and see the CDE environment. I can start a console and run dtterm from the console, but I cannot run xterm from the same console. Does anyone know why dtterm is able to connect, but xterm is not? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: ---------------------------------------------------------------------