I have noticed that VNC and Win2K(and I assume WinXP) does not detect popup menus. For example, holding your mouse completely still, right click on the desktop. Nothing will happen until you move your mouse at least one pixel in any direction and then VNC seems to notice the popup and display it. This also affects drop down menues and hirearchal menues, which make this a pretty big problem.
I know this problem is because Windows has no API for detecting screen changes, but I think this problem could be solved with an additional polling type. I have tried all the existing polling options and they do not solve the problem. My thought is a "poll on click" method that would poll a given area around the cursor when a mouse button is clicked. The area would not need to be too large as most new screen updates based on a click happen with ~5 pixels of the cursor. The two exceptions to this are drop down menues which could be as much as ~15 pixels below the cursor and hirearchal menus which could be as much as ~200 pixels to the right. Since the poll is only when the mouse is clicked, this should add very little overhead and greatly improve the apparent response time of VNC. Comments welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------