OK thanks

I'am sorry but i don't find the applet java

And how to change the value param in this applet

Thanks in advance


"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <Dietmar.Friesch on 15/11/2001 11:14:28

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        
 cc:      (bcc: Eric PRIGENT/FR/ALCATEL)                      
 Subject: RE: A problem with the vnc WEB (TCP port 5800 and   
          5900) How to   change 5900 to 5880                  

if I got it right what your saying...
You can set the server in the registry to listen to port 8000 - what you
did apparently..
Then set <param Name="PORT" value="8000"> in your applet call you will
be using 8000 then also for the genuine viewer
this should work.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: A problem with the vnc WEB (TCP port 5800 and 5900) How to
change 5900 to 5880


I installed with succes a vnc server
Using a LAN connection, I can connect to the server using a browser
(example :

The vnc server is installed on Win NT 4.0 (SP6) and the clients use IE5
or Netscape 4.7 (WIN NT 4.0)

Using the Intranet, I have the next error      java.net.No route To Host
Exception : Operation Timed Out
I think it's because the client use the TCP port  8000 but the server
user 8100 (8100= 8000 + 100) (like 5800 and 5900)

My proxy allows only the TCP port 8000 and 8080

My question : How is it possible to change the value 100
I want to use the TCP Port 8000 and 8080 and not 8000 and 8100

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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