Hi, all.

Here's an odd one. I just set up a VNC server on my Windows 2000 Server
box, so I could access it from a Linux workstation. Well, I can connect
fine from my Linux box using the java client. But the mouse does two very
strange things:

1.  I can't left-click on anything! Both my left and right mouse buttons
on the linux workstation PERFORM a right-click. So I can't double click on
a Windows desktop shortcut. All I can do is right click on it and look at
properties or other stupid things like that.  :(

2.  I can see TWO mouse cursors in my Linux worstation's browser when I'm
connected to the remote W2k box.

Getting rid of the extra cursor is one thing. But more importantly... how
do I get the darned mouse button to work??

ANywa help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!  :)

-- Michael
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