OK this list doesn't like attachments. Here it is then:

Started and Winsock (v 2) initialised
bufsize expanded to 4352
Registered connection with app
Connected to port 5900
RFB server supports protocol version 3.3
Connected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.3
VNC authentication succeeded
Palette-based display - 256 entries, 20 reserved
Clipboard changed
Don't send initial clipboard!
Desktop name "kingweb02"
Geometry 800 x 600 depth 16
Screen work area is 1024 x 740
Losing focus - cancelling modifiers
SendKeyEvent: key = xffe9 status = up
SendKeyEvent: key = xffe3 status = up
SendKeyEvent: key = xffe1 status = up
SendKeyEvent: key = xffea status = up
SendKeyEvent: key = xffe4 status = up
SendKeyEvent: key = xffe2 status = up
Socket error while reading 10004
Deregistered connection from app
VNC viewer closing down

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 October 2001 10:13
Subject: VNC and Firewall problems

I am having problems VNCing to a machine via our company's VPN. 
This goes through two firewalls both of which I believe are configured

We have been using this method of administration successfully for some time,
but are
unable to connect via VNC to the latest machine we have put there. We do not
use any 
special settings.

On attempting to connect, we recieve the VNC authentication screen, and
entering the password, we recieve the grey screen with "Please wait -
initial screen loading"
This screen remains until some minutes later the connection dies.

We are currently able to VNC to a different machine at the other end and
then VNC on from
there to the new machine, but that is really slow.

For those who might understand the detail, the debug log file is attached.

Help. Please.


Chris Neil
  Operations Administrator
  Tel:     +44 (0) 1993 771221
  Fax:    +44 (0) 1993 775081

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of vnc.log]
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